唉,咩事啫訂部iphone 啫。
自iphone推出以來,直至第3代 一直都能抵受其誘惑,堅持不追逐潮流產品,還自付有型。結果至第4代,這已經不是潮流了,簡直變為必須品。我已經看不到有人是不用iphone的。剛巧電話壞了,好啦,好無奈呀,唯有用啦。
唉,人買我買,一個二個也口徑一致的說在網站買最快。結果呢,已經三個星期了,身邊比我還遲下訂單的人無論是在123也好,smartone也好,都已經一機在手,氣得我 !!! 其實遲到早到已經沒關係了,平白當了傻b 真的氣難下 !!
好吧,死死地跑去smartone 詢問,sales 拍心口說一星期有貨,好,一於下訂單,結果原來合約未到期,現在訂的話要多付9 個月月費 (WTF????) 。
我是淡定的 ~~ 我淡定到底~~
1 month ago
唔好扮王菲 ,唔該 哈哈:P
Are you also using smartone now? Coz if you are using Smartone now, then you can just extend your contract is fine...you don't to pay for more 9 mths mothly fee ka wow...Coz I'm using 3Gs with thwir plan & I just extend their contract then can get the phone with $0 (depends on which mthly plan you take)..Hope it cna help..
都唔好扮Juno,唔該 哈哈:P
果然係微博人 !
low b
no, i checked a couple of times. yes i can extent the contract, however before my last contract end, i need to pay the original monthly plan which is around 4xx .. too fucking expensive, i rather wait